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Business Directory

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Popular Companies
$350,018M | United States
$637,959M | United States
$391,035M | United States
$171,221M | United Kingdom
$5,074.13M | United States
$41.76M | United States
$424,232M | United States
$48,633.26M | Netherlands
$349,585M | United States
$187,442M | United States
$154,666M | United Kingdom
$36,930.03M | United States
$153,966.82M | Germany
$103,730M | Switzerland
$60,177M | United States
$70,847.84M | Switzerland
$316,620M | United Kingdom
$216,025.31M | Republic Of Korea
$299,658.43M | Japan
$400,278M | United States
$343,326.32M | Germany
$648,125M | United States
Industry Directory - Browse by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Industries
ManufacturingAerospace Product and Parts ManufacturingAgriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery ManufacturingAlumina and Aluminum Production and ProcessingAnimal Food ManufacturingAnimal Slaughtering and ProcessingApparel Accessories and Other Apparel ManufacturingApparel Knitting MillsArchitectural and Structural Metals ManufacturingAudio and Video Equipment ManufacturingBakeries and Tortilla ManufacturingBasic Chemical ManufacturingBeverage ManufacturingBoiler, Tank, and Shipping Container ManufacturingCement and Concrete Product ManufacturingClay Product and Refractory ManufacturingCoating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied ActivitiesCommercial and Service Industry Machinery ManufacturingCommunications Equipment ManufacturingComputer and Peripheral Equipment ManufacturingConverted Paper Product ManufacturingCut and Sew Apparel ManufacturingCutlery and Handtool ManufacturingDairy Product ManufacturingElectric Lighting Equipment ManufacturingElectrical Equipment ManufacturingEngine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment ManufacturingFabric MillsFiber, Yarn, and Thread MillsFootwear ManufacturingForging and StampingFoundriesFruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food ManufacturingGlass and Glass Product ManufacturingGrain and Oilseed MillingHardware ManufacturingHousehold Appliance ManufacturingHousehold and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet ManufacturingIndustrial Machinery ManufacturingIron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy ManufacturingLeather and Hide Tanning and FinishingLime and Gypsum Product ManufacturingMachine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt ManufacturingManufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical MediaMedical Equipment and Supplies ManufacturingMetalworking Machinery ManufacturingMotor Vehicle Body and Trailer ManufacturingMotor Vehicle ManufacturingMotor Vehicle Parts ManufacturingNavigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments ManufacturingNonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Production and ProcessingOffice Furniture (including Fixtures) ManufacturingOther Chemical Product and Preparation ManufacturingOther Electrical Equipment and Component ManufacturingOther Fabricated Metal Product ManufacturingOther Food ManufacturingOther Furniture Related Product ManufacturingOther General Purpose Machinery ManufacturingOther Leather and Allied Product ManufacturingOther Miscellaneous ManufacturingOther Nonmetallic Mineral Product ManufacturingOther Textile Product MillsOther Transportation Equipment ManufacturingOther Wood Product ManufacturingPaint, Coating, and Adhesive ManufacturingPesticide, Fertilizer, and Other Agricultural Chemical ManufacturingPetroleum and Coal Products ManufacturingPharmaceutical and Medicine ManufacturingPlastics Product ManufacturingPrinting and Related Support ActivitiesPulp, Paper, and Paperboard MillsRailroad Rolling Stock ManufacturingResin, Synthetic Rubber, and Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments ManufacturingRubber Product ManufacturingSawmills and Wood PreservationSeafood Product Preparation and PackagingSemiconductor and Other Electronic Component ManufacturingShip and Boat BuildingSoap, Cleaning Compound, and Toilet Preparation ManufacturingSpring and Wire Product ManufacturingSteel Product Manufacturing from Purchased SteelSugar and Confectionery Product ManufacturingTextile Furnishings MillsTextile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating MillsTobacco ManufacturingVeneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product ManufacturingVentilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing
Management of Companies and Enterprises