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D-U-N-S Number &

Good Value

Get a Free D-U-N-S Number in 30 business days or less

Register your company for a free D-U-N-S Number and begin the process of potentially building your business credit file. This process can take up to 30 business days. We will email you when your D-U-N-S Number has been created.

Register your company for a free D-U-N-S Number and begin the process of potentially building your business credit file. This process can take up to 30 business days. We will email you when your D-U-N-S Number has been created.

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Expedited D-U-N-S Number & CreditSignal

Better Value

Get a D-U-N-S Number in 8 business days or less †

Get your D-U-N-S Number expedited within 8 business days or less† and take the first step in establishing your business credit file. We will email you when your D-U-N-S Number has been created.

With CreditSignal, you'll receive free alerts when some of your Dun & Bradstreet scores and ratings change.*

† Process could otherwise take up to 30 business days


Expedited D-U-N-S Number & CreditSignal

Best Value

Get a D-U-N-S Number in 8 business days or less †

Get your D-U-N-S Number expedited within 8 business days or less† and take the first step in establishing your business credit file. We will email you when your D-U-N-S Number has been created.

CreditMonitor gives you valuable insights to help you protect and grow your business by providing you with unlimited monitoring of your business credit file, including your business credit scores and ratings and comparative benchmarking of your scores with your industry’s average. Dark Web Monitoring** helps keep you informed of potential hacking, data breaches, and other criminal activities by monitoring your email address for activity on suspicious areas of the web. You can also monitor one additional business email address for added security.

† Process could otherwise take up to 30 business days

Need to submit updates to the business information in your Dun & Bradstreet credit file? You can view and request updates to your company's information for Dun & Bradstreet's review, verification and possible acceptance for free with D-U-N-S® Manager.***

CreditMonitor will automatically renew each month at the list price in effect at the time of renewal, which may be higher than today's price. If you do not want the product to automatically renew you can avoid further charges by calling 1-855-438-0317 or going to and selecting Cancel Renewal from the Profile dropdown prior to the end of the then-current term to cancel your subscription renewal.

* CreditSignal only shows four of your Dun & Bradstreet scores for 14 days, then provides directional changes to such scores. It also indicates the number of individual request(s) for information, which may include but is not limited to credit information, by a unique external customer(s) on a Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® Number. To view additional scores and ratings, view scores and ratings following the 14-day period, or learn about what industries are making such requests, we recommend that you upgrade to one of our paid credit monitoring or credit building solutions. Please note, due to the proprietary nature of these inquiries, we do not provide the names of the companies inquiring on your business credit file—only the industries in which they reside.

** Dark Web Monitoring provides a monitoring and alert service associated with your business email account(s) to monitor for suspicious activity on parts of the internet that may not be visible to search engines, alert you if your email address is found on a suspicious site and provide the potential risk level of the exposure. The Dark Web Monitoring service is not intended to secure your email or your email credentials, is provided "as is," and neither Dun & Bradstreet nor make any warranty or representation, either express or implied hereunder. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from Dun & Bradstreet, or through or from the Dark Web Monitoring will create any warranty of any kind.

*** All requested updates will be reviewed and validated by Dun & Bradstreet. Dun & Bradstreet may contact a D&B Registered Company Officer to validate submitted information. Dun & Bradstreet cannot guarantee that requested updates will be accepted or added to the company's business credit file.